Sunday, November 20, 2005


Hello All,
As some of you know we have been trying to get Ra adjusted to drinking from a bottle. We've tried different bottles and different types of nipples to see if we could convince him, but he has been way too smart for that. Anything artificial (aka plastic or rubber) will not pass the threshold of his lips. We even went out and bought a spill-proof sippie cup, but that didn't work out either. Not because he didn't like it, but because he had no incentive to continue sucking on the nozzle if he couldn't taste the milk in the first place. Since it was a no-spill cup he couldn't taste the milk inside the cup to continue to drink from it. Since that plan failed, we didn't know what else to do. Then one day Des came across a regular plastic sippie cup (that we had from one of the baby shower gifts) and decided to give it a try. It was filled only about 1/3 of the cup (just in case he didn't like it, we wouldn't have wasted a bunch of milk - that's like liquid gold, y'all). A bib was secured around Ra's neck just in case he got a hold of the cup and decided to fling milk everywhere. First attempt was promising. He took little sips and swallowed everything that dripped into his mouth. Second attempt...he got a lil' too eager and grabbed the cup which caused him to take in too much milk which then led to a coughing fit. Third attempt...the more Ra drank the more he got the hang of things. Pretty soon he was drinking like a champ. He even grabbed the cup to attempt to expedite the process because apparently I (des) was movin' a bit too slow. He drank until the cup was empty!!!! I was so happy I didn't know what to do with myself. I just knew that I would forever be the sole feeder of Ra until this blessed event occurred. I celebrated so much that Ra must have thought I was losing it. Despite my little breakdown, Ra has now graduated to "Big Boy" status...from breast to sippie cup. He just may skip from standing to walking...forget crawling. Who needs a pesky middle step? Not Ra. Well, Ra may not think that his feat was very important, but Mom & Dad think it is wonderful. Just wanted to share the news. Until next time... Ra may look all shy, but don't let those baby browns fool you!
Peace & Luv,
hasan, des & ra


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love it! tell my baby i'll come to see him this week. CONGRATULATIONS you 2.

11/22/2005 1:40 AM  
Blogger des said...

i will do that. i am just so glad that you and hasan will both be able to feed the little one now. we look forward to seeing you this week...bring your appetite!

11/23/2005 10:35 AM  

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