In the past months (since January) you all have missed out on quite a few milestones so I wanted to fill you in on some of them. Ra is easily closing in on three and a half feet tall and weighs 41 pounds. He currently wears a size 6 in boys clothing and between a 13 and 1 shoe. Ra is completely potty trained (Thank God) and continues to eat like a horse. He climbs, flips and will talk your ear off, if you let him. On the not-so-bright side, Ra had some struggles with biting other kids. It would only happen when it came to sharing the tricycles at preschool. So, we have been working with our little vampire (no, I am not implicating that he draws blood) to be more willing to share with others.

Hasan and I have received quite a few hints about having another little one soon (to be a happy addition to our little family, as well as provide some company for our not-so-little one)...we hear all of you!!! Trust me. We are mulling that over. On the other hand, Ra is very lovable and approachable to his peers (just don't take his trike). Well on to the story...this weekend Hasan, Ra and I decided to go to the African Marketplace and hang out for a bit. We shopped a little bit and hung out with his "Puttie" (Auntie Imani). Ra ate a snow cone (with the assistance of his mother), attempted to play in a jumper (with the encouragement of his auntie), pet a horse (he would not ride it though). He enjoyed himself...and then he arrived at the big jumper slide. He wanted to go in, but seemed apprehensive to go alone. Imani braved the slide with her nephew and he enjoyed it, but still wasn't sold on doing it by himself.

There were some rowdy older kids doing flips and rolling down the slide...not paying attention to the smaller children playing below them. One little knucklehead got a little too rowdy and flipped down the slide and ran directly in to RaKhem (mind you this kid was about 8 or 9...if not older). The kid ended up kicking Ra in the arm on his way down and knocked Ra down pretty hard. Of course, RaKhem was hurt and stunned and shaken up. Initially, he started crying (which was expected), but he didn't shake it off like he normally would. He was inconsolable. We knew he got hurt, but he was able to move all of his limbs and he was walking without suport, so we assumed he was just bruised up a bit and a little cranky. We attempted to take him to the Petting Zoo to distract him a bit, but he was not interested...he just wanted to be held.

We decided to leave the event and get some food so that Ra could possibly go down for a nap. We stopped for some dinner and he was almost to his old self, but he was nursing his right arm a bit. It hurt him to raise his arm and he was not putting any pressure on it either, but he still wanted to play and was climbing on darn near everything in his auntie's apartment. Eventually, we decided to return home (which entailed a lovely 3.5 hour drive), which put Ra right to sleep. When we got home, I got him ready for bed and there was no evidence of swelling or increased pain, so I put him down for the night...dumb move, Desiree. Ra wakes up the next morning and is unable to get out of bed by himself (like he usually does), but he is in good spirits. In changing his clothes, Hasan notices that there was swelling around his elbow. Long story short, we took him to Children's Hospital and he has a fractured elbow. Unbelieveable...he endured our ineptitude and managed to do it with a smile. What a champ!!! And he helped us unpack!!! Needless to say, we have to take him to an Orthopedic doctor on Tuesday 9/2/08, to see if he needs surgery or not. Please keep him in your prayers. Until next time...

Des, Hasan & Ra
OMG that is just so scary!!! I kow the feeling, when Savie was little she fell off a couch backwards onto a tile floor. Needless to say I was a wreck and she was awake for hours. Glad to know he is ok so far.
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